Saturday 25 June 2011

How to Handle a Dry Skin

Dry skin and skin dryness is not a big problem now. All you need is skin cleansing, toning and moisturizing with good quality skin care products.

Glowing, shiny and beautiful skin is the ultimate desire of every woman. To make her skin shinny and glowing, every woman does lots of things from the use of skin beauty products to skin exfoliating techniques. But, unfortunately, all practices go in vain when one has dry and patchy skin. Dry and patchy skin not only damages the entire facial beauty but also create bad impression of your over all look.

However, dry skin and skin dryness are serious skin problems/issues for women, but now, because of medical advancement, dry skin and skin dryness are not a big problem at all. Usual skin dryness is not a big issue but if you are suffering from XEROSIS, (the medical form for a dry skin, begins as a loss of moisture in the upper most layer of your skin), then you must consult to a dermatologist or a skin specialist.

Usual skin dryness can be the result of your carelessness towards your skin care and skin cleansing and moisturizing. Remember, your skin is your body’s largest organ. It needs much moisture in the body to remain healthy.

Here are some very easy and simple tips on how to handle dry skin problem or how to pamper your skin with extra and rich moisture.

Tips to handle dry skin:
Cleansing: The first and fore most step to eliminate skin dryness is cleansing. A healthy, shiny and glowing skin needs gentle cleansing. Numbers of good quality cleansers are available in market which will help remove dirt, oil and impurities without diminishingyour skin’s natural moisture level. So, gentle cleansing is a must to handle dry skin problem.

Skin toning is another important tip to get rid of dry skin and skin dryness problem. Toning not only controls your breakouts, blemishes and shines, but also leaves your skin clean and refreshed. Toners are also easily available at all beauty shops.

After cleaning and toning, now is the step for moisturizing your dry skin. Skin moisturizing is very very important to diminish skin dryness problem. Always hydrate your skin with good quality moistures. Use moisturizer whichcontains SPF particles. These moisturizers also prove as your best anti-aging defense. Try Nouri fusion Moisturizer SPF 15 for your dry skin. You can also use it as a sun block. In spite of these easy and simple tips, also:

Drink plenty of water. Water works as a natural skin and body moisturizer.

Use Fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit fluids regularly for healthy, soft and glowing skin. Always use branded and good quality skin care products to avoid any type of skin problem.

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