Friday 24 June 2011

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Water in Summer

Drinking moderate amount of water in summer carries several health benefits for individuals. Our body carries 70% water thus needs adequate quantity of it to function properly.

Drinking moderate amount of water in summer carries several health benefits for individuals. Our body carries 70% water thus needs adequate quantity of it to function properly. Let’s see what does drinking 7-8 glass of water a day truly bring for your health and how much beneficial it is to keep body and muscles regulated on hot days.

Weight loss
Water is an effective appetite suppressant. So, consuming water cuts down hunger and reduces need for extra meals. That results in losing valuable weight and keeping one fit and healthy during summer.

Combats dehydration
Water is a wonder drug dealing dehydration. 7-9 glass water intake a day regulates body temperature and replaces the essential electrolytes lost due to excessive sweating.

Improves mental health
For mental health, mental creativity and mental productivity water plays vital role. Consuming sufficient amount of water liquefies brain blood that makes brain more efficient, creative and productive. You think better and thus work better. It also combats sudden mental strokes during summer and cures headache as well.

Deals digestive problems
Drinking good quantity of water flushes out toxins and poisonous compounds out of body. It regulates digestion avoiding constipation, acidity, kidney stone and stomach cramps.

Makes heart healthy
More the heart pumps water more it becomes strong and protects against heart attacks. Thus drinking water makes heart healthy. It also increases blood flow to the heart enhancing its health.

Imparts beauty
Drinking adequate amount of water rejuvenates skin. It keeps skin hydrated making it radiant and glowy. It also combats acne and aging.

Imparts energy in body
When body exhausts, water works like an energy drink. It boosts energy in body fighting against fatigue, dizziness, sluggishness, lethargy and other heat related illness.

Cures cramps and sprains
Drinking moderate amount of water a day lubricates muscles and joints that is a cure against cramps and sprains.

Protects against various diseases
Water deals various diseases such as giddiness, bloating, belching, obesity, anemia, cough, irregular menstruation and urogenital diseases.

Water therapy
It is simply starting a day with consuming 5-6 glass of water altogether. Water therapy is useful in dealing hormonal problems, blood pressure, kidney related problems and heart attack.

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